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PCOS Specialist

Valerie B. Ginsburg, MD -  - OBGYN

Optimal Women's Health

Valerie B. Ginsburg, MD

OBGYN located in Denver, CO

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a challenging condition that affects many women. For those who are based in the Denver, Colorado, area, Valerie Ginsburg, MD, of Optimal Women's Health offers top-quality diagnostic and treatment services. If you’re concerned about troubling symptoms, call the office to book an exam, or schedule online.


What is polycystic ovary syndrome?

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a hormonal disorder that creates a wide range of uncomfortable and disruptive symptoms. According to researchers, one out of every ten women of childbearing age will experience PCOS.

Researchers are uncertain of the exact causes of PCOS, but several risk factors have been identified, including:

  • Excessive insulin production
  • Genetic predisposition
  • Excessive production of androgen hormones
  • Low-grade inflammation

Many women struggle with PCOS symptoms for years before receiving an accurate diagnosis. Unfortunately, far too many women are still ignored when they report symptoms or have their concerns dismissed by unskilled or uncaring practitioners. 

What are some symptoms of polycystic ovary syndrome?

PCOS presents a wide range of symptoms, which can make it hard to properly diagnose. Knowing what to look for can help you decide when to schedule a diagnostic exam. 

As the name implies, polycystic ovary syndrome is often characterized by the presence of multiple small cysts within the ovaries. It is possible, however, to have PCOS and never experience these cysts.

Some of the symptoms of PCOS include:

  • Acne or abnormally oily skin
  • Weight gain
  • Infertility
  • Excess body hair
  • Dark or thickened patches of skin on the neck, armpits, or beneath the breasts
  • Changes in menstrual bleeding
  • Thinning hair or patches of baldness

Any time you notice troubling changes, reach out to your gynecologist to explore possible causes. Your health should always be a central focus, and there is no need to struggle with PCOS or any gynecologic condition when treatment can help. 

How is polycystic ovary syndrome treated?

If Dr. Ginsburg determines that you have PCOS, she works with you to create a customized treatment plan. In many cases, lifestyle modifications like improving your diet or getting plenty of exercise can help your body make proper use of insulin. 

Hormonal therapy can also treat PCOS. Dr. Ginsburg might recommend you try specific birth control pills to help balance your hormones. It can take a period of trial and error to find the right match for your needs.

If you are trying to get pregnant, fertility medications can help by prompting ovulation. It’s important to remain under the close care of your gynecologist throughout fertility care.

Additional PCOS symptoms like hair loss or acne can be treated in addition to efforts that focus on hormonal balance. To learn more, schedule a visit at Optimal Women’s Health today by calling the office or using the online booking page.